Monday, May 30, 2016

‘Friends Without Benefits’, a Book Review

               This is my fourth Penny Reid novel, and I appreciate how she adds depth to story lines and to main characters. Her books do not settle for having either of those key story elements be dumb and two-dimensional.


Monday, May 23, 2016

'Thirty-Two Going on Spinster', a Book Review

I’ve recently finished reading the novel Thirty-Two Going on Spinster, about a thirty-something self-proclaimed “spinster” named Julie who keeps living in the apartment in her parents’ basement for ten years after college graduation, working the same corporate assistant job she doesn’t like, reworking mathematical formulas and gossiping on the smokers’ balcony with her work friend Brown.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Photos and the Future

When I date someone, I like to have very few photos of us together, especially on social media. 
In this post, I go on to mention redheads, dancers, a cat and Beyoncé