Wednesday, June 24, 2020

About This Dream I Had (Coffee Shop, Sleigh)

This dream came about last week.

I walked up the entryway of my house - a nondescript place that I hardly saw anything of but knew to be mine - and got near the front door in time to see that soaring directly overhead was a white sleigh that I assumed, with my Western upbringing, to belong to Santa Claus. I saw a hint of the reindeer as well because I at least remember their legs. What the...
      This strange moment had a witness: someone had been walking along the sidewalk, and because culture and life experience influence one's subconscious and the subconscious is in charge of the image storage for my dreams, this person was a woman of color whom I don't remember meeting in waking life, but anyway, I met her outside and we chatted casually about the Santa sighting as we strolled over to her place, a dark gray house that had a ramp as its only entrance. This ramp itself was some nice-looking stone - brown or burnt sienna while the railings were probably metal.

  From what I recall, the next scene was in a coffee shop that felt very familiar and the staff knew me and my order, a couple of other patrons knew me, and after I'd been served, I talked with a young white guy in his teens or early twenties with blue chunks in his pale blond hair. He was a filmmaker or something creative. I spoke with two other young people briefly, but soon I was sitting on a couch, legs outstretched, with someone lying close by, maybe even with their head in the large space between my calves. A blanket over their entire body and my legs. Our hands accidentally brushed, so tentatively, we decided to hold hands for a while. Eventually, they surfaced and we discovered who the other was. She was at least ten years younger and not white; could have been mixed or black or Polynesian. Her hair was very dark, which much of mine now is (as it goes through a pandemic lock down fade, having lost all shades of pink and peach weeks ago), though hers was much longer, maybe reaching her elbows, done up in a lot of tiny braids.

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The appearance of Santa Claus, according to my usual source, is:
Expectations of good things happening to you because you feel you deserve it.
After consulting with my Higher Self about this, it was clear that my subconscious drudged up the image as a way of saying that after devoting a good portion of time during the lock-down to meditating over specific goals, doing my best to utilize the Law of Attraction and also using energy work to try to help others, those specific good goals are coming my way and soon. The color of the sleigh meant sincerity and positivity, while my fictional neighbor's dark gray house may have referred to:
A general feeling of unhappiness. Feeling like a loser. A state of mind that doesn't feel good. You may feel emotionally distant, isolated, or detached. It may also reflect loneliness or "feeling grey." Being unhappy and not caring about trying to find a positive solution.

Alternatively, dark grey may reflect a lack of fun...or a complete lack of interest...motivation.

      Regarding the brownish ramp itself, I'd rather not use Dream Bible for this part, because it spoke about dark brown, light brown and caramel respectively. They just didn't get near the mark, while Aisling (pronounced "ash-lin") A-Z Dream Dictionary said this:
Brown being the color of earth indicates you need to see the subject matter of the dream as practical.
      I specifically saw a woman going up a brownish ramp, and this woman was a minority, so my conclusion was that the spirit sending me this dream message, be they a spirit guide (which I believe it was), or my Higher Self, whatever - they basically wanted to convey that when it comes to earthly concerns in my life right now, like an apartment and job-hunting, I should have all the good faith that it will go smoothly. 

Dream Bible had something interesting to say about the setting in the coffee shop scene:
To dream of a coffee shop represents the choice to make yourself start something. Choosing to get acquainted with new ideas, habits, or situations.

And yeah, I am determined to achieve certain things soon, so this dream was uplifting; I've carried its meaning around with me since. My mom has been pressuring me because we both know that I need a new job. The one from which I was put on furlough during the lock-down never gave me enough hours, so as they and other companies reopen their doors now, I want to have something else in place first. Mom agrees, but she's pushing an Amazon warehouse gig, which doesn't sound like a good long-term gig for me personally, so please picture this, reader: me already pressuring myself about money and housing, Mom adding to it.
Though it certainly could be worse.


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