Thursday, April 1, 2021

Wanna Play with Chakras?

           I just thought I'd share this for anyone who likes using strong visuals in their meditations and energy healing. If you can relate, I'd like to know your version.

          At this stage in my spiritual path, I enjoy a silly, very visual routine as a way of checking in with different essential parts of my being, providing TLC in a brief, very visual moment to myself before going back to tangible human stuff, now feeling that much better, probably because at that point, I'm confident that I've practiced some efficient self-care. Chakras, also known as energy centers, are a real part of our health and wellness, a statement I make based on research and personal experience, and if you feel like messing around with the concept by spinning or clearing them, I recommend it! I've been under the impression that the condition of one's body is influenced by multiple factors, including the electromagnetic energy in and around it. A few ways of exploring that are detailed below.

           As I've progressed in the rookie program of intuitive development, my clairsentience has strengthened. Of course, that's not the surprising part, but instead the way it feels when I run through all of the energy centers,  spinning them and checking on their status in a simple way, usually starting with clarity and size. These days, I feel them more acutely, and I don't notice these sensations without specific focus, one chakra at a time. I'll admit that usually, when I move through that routine,  I'm long past the foggier, lovely phase right after waking. I tend to cleanse chakras while wide awake because it grounds me when I'm transitioning from research to exercising, or I might be in a longer line at the store than I anticipated, overheating because I haven't checked the weather in advance in weeks and it's lovely out, but I'm wearing a coat and a sweater and my foot is starting to hurt and 'Did I call the bank? Ohmydog, how is the skin on my hand still itchy and feeling tight when I moisturi -- you know what? This is annoying. Let's do something useful: Chakras'.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Manifestation! Also, Designing a Kids' Toy in a Dream

          It's one thing to hear numerous times about balancing a goal with the truth of spiritually and psychologically letting it go, and another to watch a result of doing so and recognize the process, saying to oneself, "Oh, okay, so this is what it looks like in my life". As I type this, I can hear Oprah in my head - a moment from a fantastic, brief talk she gave at the 2016 Essence Festival about scoring the role she wanted in the film adaptation of The Color Purple. She made the following excellent point: "When you've done everything you can do, surrender all". That speech is fantastic, the advice is needed, and what I'm about to tell you is one way in which that very process has played out for me recently.

        I've been saving money and tried a few energy work techniques I'd never explored before. One of my responsibilities since quarantine began has been to expand my education on epigenetics, or the science of what causes genes to develop in particular ways, causing blue eyes, allergies, IBS, acid reflux, migraines, cancer, etc. I'm also in the process of studying the connections between stress and the body, the heart and the brain, as well as the brain and the immune system. I've learned about different types of energy work, different outlooks on spirituality, and fascinatingly, I came across media detailing the spiritual beliefs of ancient civilizations and devoted esoteric groups - things that are universal truths, some of which we are finding and sharing scientific evidence for today. There were civilizations in different parts of the globe that passed down info. over generations that match up so well, it couldn't rightfully be dismissed as a coincidence by historians. The better I understand each of these subjects, the more that information serves me today and well into the future, so you can consider this to be a part of doing my share in the process of manifestation. 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Celebration of the Powerful Human Heart

  I want to out myself to you about a meditation attempt. For a moment, I was imagining the energies of two specific women, one on either side of me, with my Higher Self directly across the way. My intention, at first, was to open up to messages, but I kept turning to distractions so varied, I'm surprised I don't have whiplash. That was until finally, we reduced the session to just the Higher Self and the human. Suddenly, there was an image of a little girl in a dress kneeling or sitting inside a white chalk circle. I knew that so long as she stayed inside that circle she was safe. 

          Well. I quickly placed the reference (A Little Princess, a lovely movie based on a beautiful book, both from my childhood) and asked, "Does that refer to the circle of white light*? Or the electromagnetic heart field?" and the response was, "Heart field". 

 The Heart's Magnetic Field

Saturday, February 13, 2021

About This Dream I Had (Look-Alike of Motörhead Singer)


           In a dream, two different childhood classmates showed up, along with a man who looked very much like Lemmy Kilmister, the late lead singer of Motörhead. Also, my subconscious invented a weird, inefficient elevator. Pleased and curious, I mulled it over, researched and consulted my Higher Self. The results are explored in the following post. Wanna come with?


 Five Years Ago: Motorhead Pioneer Lemmy Kilmister Dies  

Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Internet As a Tool For Compassion

          What if it's the stress, judgment and separation that is the illusion? Seriously, what if that isn't just woo-woo bulls**t talk?

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          I really enjoy learning more about life is like for other people. It's important in the growth of my empathy and in widening the acknowledgement of and celebration of other lifestyles, cultures, points of view, etc. There are plenty of pros and cons to the internet, and one big pro is how we can use it to educate ourselves bit by bit and feel connected to people thousands of miles away. Of course I'm preaching to the choir, here, but I love that someone in Hartford could get the sense of community they need from people in Oslo, Nice, Lisbon, Austin, Reykjavík.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Karma. Is It Real?


          I feel safe using this generalization: that we're all familiar with the word "karma". The post today is a brief contemplation of whether I want to continue believing that karma exists. Wanna join me? I'd love your opinion.

I'm bringing it up because I've heard it enough times from some speakers I appreciate in the spiritual wellness realm, whether they were giving their take on how karma could result from certain actions, or defining and explaining karma in basic terms. It intrigued me when I heard something different from a shaman named Durek.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

About This Dream Visitation From a Pet

           On December 26th, I had a silly hours-long symptom of ascension: It sounded rather like someone in the next room was quietly whistling, made even better by the fact that it was changing octave almost constantly, lacking rhythm and it amused me. I periodically would let it distract me just for fun. I'd be eating breakfast, working out or washing my hands and I'd pause for a moment, be quiet and listen. 

As I go through a physical aspect of spiritual transformation and the entire planet adjusts to the 5D energy, obviously that means lots of interesting moments, like movement and pressure within my brain, my vision changing so that I can see the vibration of atoms, and this! My hearing has been shifting too, allowing for fun feelings and sounds no one else notices!
          I have to be careful around Mom so she doesn't worry that I'm developing any health issues. The physical sensations need to be as much a secret as possible and excuses are made for my pauses or slip-ups; Usually, "migraine" or blaming my acid reflux does the trick.

In this post, I plan on going further with the topic of these ascension symptoms for a little while, then mention a dream visitation I got from a loved one. If you're interested, click!