Thursday, February 18, 2021

Celebration of the Powerful Human Heart

  I want to out myself to you about a meditation attempt. For a moment, I was imagining the energies of two specific women, one on either side of me, with my Higher Self directly across the way. My intention, at first, was to open up to messages, but I kept turning to distractions so varied, I'm surprised I don't have whiplash. That was until finally, we reduced the session to just the Higher Self and the human. Suddenly, there was an image of a little girl in a dress kneeling or sitting inside a white chalk circle. I knew that so long as she stayed inside that circle she was safe. 

          Well. I quickly placed the reference (A Little Princess, a lovely movie based on a beautiful book, both from my childhood) and asked, "Does that refer to the circle of white light*? Or the electromagnetic heart field?" and the response was, "Heart field". 

 The Heart's Magnetic Field

Saturday, February 13, 2021

About This Dream I Had (Look-Alike of Motörhead Singer)


           In a dream, two different childhood classmates showed up, along with a man who looked very much like Lemmy Kilmister, the late lead singer of Motörhead. Also, my subconscious invented a weird, inefficient elevator. Pleased and curious, I mulled it over, researched and consulted my Higher Self. The results are explored in the following post. Wanna come with?


 Five Years Ago: Motorhead Pioneer Lemmy Kilmister Dies