It's one thing to hear numerous times about balancing a goal with the truth of spiritually and psychologically letting it go, and another to watch a result of doing so and recognize the process, saying to oneself, "Oh, okay, so this is what it looks like in my life". As I type this, I can hear Oprah in my head - a moment from a fantastic, brief talk she gave at the 2016 Essence Festival about scoring the role she wanted in the film adaptation of The Color Purple. She made the following excellent point: "When you've done everything you can do, surrender all". That speech is fantastic, the advice is needed, and what I'm about to tell you is one way in which that very process has played out for me recently.
I've been saving money and tried a few energy work techniques I'd never explored before. One of my responsibilities since quarantine began has been to expand my education on epigenetics, or the science of what causes genes to develop in particular ways, causing blue eyes, allergies, IBS, acid reflux, migraines, cancer, etc. I'm also in the process of studying the connections between stress and the body, the heart and the brain, as well as the brain and the immune system. I've learned about different types of energy work, different outlooks on spirituality, and fascinatingly, I came across media detailing the spiritual beliefs of ancient civilizations and devoted esoteric groups - things that are universal truths, some of which we are finding and sharing scientific evidence for today. There were civilizations in different parts of the globe that passed down info. over generations that match up so well, it couldn't rightfully be dismissed as a coincidence by historians. The better I understand each of these subjects, the more that information serves me today and well into the future, so you can consider this to be a part of doing my share in the process of manifestation.