All I remember is the phone and my reaction to it.
On Tuesday, August 1st, I was suddenly in a bare room with a group of girls and a red landline phone that I decided was like a hotline for other people to call me and me alone for help. A man named Herman was hoping to speak to me, and I wasn't "creeped out" like I would be in real life, but instead felt an overall strong desire to avoid the phone, to avoid the callers.
First off, the Herman character is the giveaway to the fact that I'm waking up, moving toward consciousness, because it's the red herring - so specific and goofy, and... there's something about the name Herman that makes me think, 'Red herring; silly joke'.
Researching the dream on a particular website made me reevaluate it. I've enjoyed analyzing these things lately as part of trying to better myself and strengthen my intuition, and man, I believe that today I started to grasp the intentions of my higher self and/or subconscious. The explanations I found for 'phone' were as follows:
To dream of a telephone represents psychological communication with an aspect of yourself or issues that need attention. The ability to "get through" to people, listen to an inner voice...
To dream of a phone ringing or that someone is calling you represents aspects of your personality that are "getting through" to you. Something in your life wants attention. You are more open or perceptive to insight or realizations. A situation might be becoming clearer to you. You may also be a lot more cooperative with another person or listening to someone more.
So. Is a part of my personality trying to get me to pay attention to something I've been ignoring?
As I've mentioned in a previous post, I've been questioning some spiritual ideas recently after years of atheism, and that includes wondering if there is such thing as a higher self. Considering this dream, is my higher self trying to get through [in a stronger way than usual, I assume] with my next self-improving assignment?
To dream of an unanswered phone ringing represents areas of your life that you are ignoring. Issues or situations that you don't want to deal with or refuse to see. You may need to pay closer attention to something. Refusing to listen to advice.
Admittedly, there are useless behaviors that I'm aware need attention but that I have been ignoring. Maybe the dream relates to that. This could have been a way for me to jab myself for stubborn avoidance, which is one my specialties.
I'm excited about having probably communicated with the better half of my soul. I seem to really be getting somewhere with this attempt every day to be kind, patient and in a good mood.
Higher Self link.
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