Saturday, November 25, 2017

About This Dream I Had (Chinese Food)

          So I woke up on 10/26 and immediately scribbled down what I remembered of the Chinese food, the friend and the gift in my dream.

           I was at a nice-looking restaurant, eating Chinese food at the bar. Eventually, an older woman (in her 70's, maybe?) sat next to me - someone I don't know in real life - but we made small talk as if we knew each other. She held up her large cup of water, wanting to clink it against mine, which we did, and I spotted the paper wrapper on the end of her straw. I quickly realized that a lemon and lime-colored gift bag appeared in front of me, and the attached tag had a note, which I only read long enough to see that it was from Sean. 
I don't know a Sean.
Also, my older friend wanted me to drink from her water, and I thought that was strange and useless, but, uh...I did it.

          More about my questionable choice later. It's time now for analysis.

           This dream makes the most sense to me when I think of my job. 
Socially, at work, I'm very fortunate to have fun, decent people around, and, for a matter of months, I had more work friends than I ever would've expected. The funniest of them would tease me a lot, laugh-out-loud memes showed up in my inbox, and even today, references to Monty Python and Princess Bride are tossed out regularly. Some of the people who like me are in managerial positions, which can mean advice or simply having a boss in my corner for certain issues. That's rare and something for which to be very appreciative.
When it comes to the work itself, I'm very unhappy for a few reasons. 
           I have hated jobs more, so I don't want to exaggerate, but it's not easy when the thing you spend the majority of your time on Monday through Friday is the thing you struggle most to get through. 
           I have to think, now, about what to do in 2018 - stay, leave, stay and change positions...options. Hunting and starting anew someplace else just for the paycheck is stressful and definitely a job in itself. In going through that, I typically don't get a sense of accomplishment or an easier experience, just something else

           When I looked into the fact that I was eating Chinese food in a nice restaurant, not quick, cheap takeout, I found something interesting:

To dream of Chinese food that is home cooked or true ethnic represents situations in your life that make you feel unbiased, unconcerned, or not interested in feeling good. Controlling yourself or feeling bored by something. 

It's true that in a big way, I am currently uninterested in feeling good, I am controlling myself, and considering that control, boredom is an issue.

           Because I was eating at the bar:

To dream of being at a bar represents feelings that it's safe or permissible to enjoy yourself without restraint. A wish for a light-hea[r]ted experience or to give yourself permission to temporarily forget about your problems. A wish for enjoyable social interaction. Feeling that it's safe or permissible to go overboard in some manner. Areas of your life that you consciously obsessed with or passionate about. Going out of your way to enjoy doing something a lot, possibly to the point of excess. It may also reflect topics that you like discussing in great detail or for long periods of time. 

Negatively, a bar may reflect issues with needing to appear to be having a good time to other people. Issues with needing to be accepted for who you are with your flaws. Being too involved with activities that you are addicted to. Insecurity that makes you feel you need permission to enjoy yourself. A casual attitude about excessive behavior that you feel doesn't need to be changed. Excessive behavior that you feel you never need to explain. Problems accepting the need to be more serious about a problem or important life situation. Difficulty letting go of leisure time or social activity. 

           That one hurts 'cause I want to grow, not make crappy decisions, hold back and be insecure. I really hate feeling as if I've managed to stunt myself, and I sure as hell don't want to mentally be that idiot in her early twenties anymore. I'm not that girl. 
It'd be one thing to have self-discipline about diet and exercise, and it would be some thing else, something suck-y, to isolate myself from beneficial new experiences and good times. I shouldn't be making life so much harder for myself when it's already a harsh place to be. The line, "Insecurity that makes you feel you need permission to enjoy yourself" is bothersome. 

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           The friend who sat with me in the dream was fictional, someone I've never met.

To dream of having a friend that you've never seen before represents beliefs or situations that make you feel good, or help you in some way. A supportive or co-operative aspect of yourself. It may also reflect your projection of a situation or arrangement that is beneficial to you

So I'm thinking that the woman represented some supportive part of myself, and the fact that the friend was in her 70's or so meant something as well, possibly referring to experience or "the wisdom to know better", the 'been there, done that' line I say to myself, as if this supportive piece of myself was saying, "Shannon, we've been in this place before. Relax and make sure you don't repeat very old mistakes; do what's best for you". And check this out:

It may also reflect boredom with something you know too well.


           About the part where I drank water from someone else's cup, that may have been my subconscious or higher self trying to provide me with a cleansing. said, 

Positively, water can symbolize renewal and regeneration with symbolism such as bathing, drinking water, or bottled water. 

           So the water moment could have been the equivalent of my taking some deep breaths in a stressful situation or big decision, which I do when I'm conscious. The fact that somebody else insisted that I drink some water really could have been a nudge toward renewal.

            I looked into the gift, too, and the fact that it was clearly from Sean.

What I found specifically about a gift was this:

To dream of receiving a gift represents feelings about special treatment of some kind. Feeling appreciated. Feeling that someone is being nice to you in a special giving way. Feeling that a gesture of yours towards someone else is very giving or makes someone else's life easier. A kind or generous gesture. Feeling special about something that has happened to you. Feeling that you are a special person. Alternatively, gifts may symbolize your talents, creativity, or something special about you. A natural ability. 

Negatively, a gift in a dream may reflect secrets that are difficult to keep to yourself. Something special you feel forced to keep to yourself. Talents being used for bad purposes. Feeling that you are better than other people or that you are perfect. Arrogantly thinking you are too special or unique. Arrogant or deluded beliefs that other people are lucky because of something unique you did for them. Feeling forced to appreciate a gesture you don't like or feeling that someone doesn't like you as much as you want them to. 

          When it comes to the gift and what it means, I haven't yet sorted that out. Is that my subconscious confronting me about hiding talents from the world? Does it also possibly relate to the quasi-friendships I have at work? 

           I did previously say that I don't know a Sean, but that name probably popped up in my dream because it's a name that feels like home. I like it. That spelling is crucial, too, being Irish. I was raised with a strong Irish pride, which amuses me due to the fact that my parents and I weren't born or raised in Ireland. I still have yet to even visit it.
To reiterate, the gift came from home, a comfortable place in my mind. 

           Maybe the dream was calling me out on keeping my writing to myself too much, being too inauthentic and unhappy at work, and the fact that parts of myself, spiritual or in my brain, are really here for me. It's helpful, sometimes, to get a reminder that I am my own cheerleader. My self-love needs work, but she's been here all along. 

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