Tuesday, February 25, 2025

"Salad", a poem in progress.

 I'm slowly crafting a story told through poems. The one after the cut still needs tweaking, but it may well end up being part of that. The Word document is currently titled, "Poems - Break-Up Story", but of course I don't actually intend to force the story to go one way. It's exciting to let the characters show you who they are and where they're going.






This is easier than I expected.

You now only want to have dinner with me once every five or six months.

Last time, you tried to argue about what counts as a Caesar salad.

What a relief that we have let go to this degree, each freeing up important seats at the other’s table

You deserve to have more fun and I deserve the art, nutrition, the dog

This is key growth, something actually sustainable

Far better than ignorant insults at a small glass table.




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Past empty structure,
Leaves of saffron and ruby
A tire deflates.

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I picked over a crappy selection of greeting cards

Sought relief by looking out the store window

Surprised to see him across the street, leaving the animal groomers'

If I asked, how would he justify that jacket? 


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^-- guys, I left myself a note underneath that last unfinished poem, reading as follows, "...What if he's not a dog person? After all, he left the groomers with a cat."  


          I wanted to leave you with more, but as of right now, I'm not liking the other pieces as much as I used to, so I'll be dismantling them for the salvageable ideas. Be back soon!