Friday, December 8, 2017

About This Dream I Had (Ghost Nightmare)

I had a nightmare Thursday morning. Considering what's in the news right now, let's quickly acknowledge and dismiss the fact that it seems topical: this was a nightmare because in it, I was molested. 
Such a thing has not happened to me in real life and I admire the resilience of people (regardless of gender) who really have been victimized in such a way and have continued on.
That said, after waking up at at 5:15 am and writing down all that I could remember, then thinking it over, researching online, and again reviewing it here, I have concluded that sexual misconduct headlines are not relevant to my dream. 
Still. It upset me at the time and involved a ghost. The way I describe the incident is not graphic, by the way. Wanna look into it with me?

Saturday, November 25, 2017

About This Dream I Had (Chinese Food)

          So I woke up on 10/26 and immediately scribbled down what I remembered of the Chinese food, the friend and the gift in my dream.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

About This Dream I Had (Brief, With Brothers)

On the 18th, I woke up from a dream in which I had two younger brothers, one of whom was Eric, a tall, confident blond who wouldn't listen to my advice, probably ever. Eric's face was so vivid.
Unfortunately, nothing else stuck, but here's what I found online:

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

About This Dream I Had (A Bird with a Little Blue)

I could only remember a dream I had during an hour-long nap late in the morning. It involved my meeting up with some nameless, faceless friends in a building with a homey feel where the owner's pets wandered freely and guests could pet them all they wanted. One was a friendly designer mutt - a 'doodle of some kind, be it Labra- or golden- and I kept petting it, but there was also a bird. 

What I found online in regards to the bird was the following:

Sunday, August 6, 2017

About This Dream I Had (The Phone)

All I remember is the phone and my reaction to it.
On Tuesday, August 1st, I was suddenly in a bare room with a group of girls and a red landline phone that I decided was like a hotline for other people to call me and me alone for help. A man named Herman was hoping to speak to me, and I wasn't "creeped out" like I would be in real life, but instead felt an overall strong desire to avoid the phone, to avoid the callers.

Monday, June 26, 2017

About This Dream I Had (Play-Fighting)

I woke up this morning and tried to recall what I could of the dream I had in the wee hours before waking.

It was an eventful dream because I was in an active game, like a child, play-fighting in a store...possibly a grocery store. My opponent and I chased each other around in the aisles, and I last remember running into the back room and climbing atop shelving full of merchandise, sitting there, my opponent not far behind, ready to throw fake punches back and forth. It was nuts.

Part of why it was nuts...

was my sparring partner:

Today's Thoughts on My Spiritual Universe

So maybe I'm experiencing more of the Law of Attraction that I otherwise believed.

I'm normally (rather but not entirely) dismissive of the concept, but today...

Thursday, June 1, 2017

-Dirty Dancing- 2017

Ooooookay, at five-something pm on May 24, 2017, my friend Sasha and I watched the new ABC rendition of Dirty Dancing. I wrote the following in real time and in present tense.

Kathy Griffin Photo Controversy

I'm not surprised that Kathy Griffin just lost her New Year's Eve contract with CNN, because that sort of thing is to be anticipated following something like her most recent photo shoot with Tyler Shields that included Griffin holding what appeared to be the head of (*tries not to vomit*) P-Pres- no - Mr. Donald Trump. Part of me thinks that having the photo exist, but especially, for it to be public, is a bad thing, disrespectful to the office of President, and that same part of me worries about the message that the image sends to other countries, especially people with a strong anti-American attitude. 
Another part of me...well...
Remember when "Duck Dynasty"'s Uncle Sy was recorded spouting his racism? 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

'Managed' by Kristen Callihan, a Book Review

I love this book. It hooked me right away with how fun Sophie, the protagonist, was. She was a very likable type of spunky, as well as pretty, talented, with a career in progress. A realistic element of her personality was her uncertainty about what to aim for and what she might be best at.
She was someone I would like to hang out with.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Rory/Jess (After 'Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life')

Five months later, I still feel guilty even thinking this, but...if Rory and Jess never got back together, it would be very okay.


Friday, March 3, 2017

Spite Houses

So. In case you don't already know about "spite houses", I'd like to present you with links to pictures of places like a 10-foot-wide home in California and the rainbow house across the street from the wee but horrendous Westboro Baptist Church.

In history, there have been moments where people became angry, vengeful, making a stand against either a spouse or a corporation, a rival or a local government.

Here we go!

Spite Houses: 12 Structures Built Just to Annoy People (Web Urbanist)

Spite House in Wikipedia (Wikipedia)

By the way, a child was so inspired by the rainbow Equality House for the LGTBQ community that the group running the rainbow house, Planting Peace, bought one right next door in her honor.